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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Captain Underpants!

Now I do not carry him around, that would be weird, but I still have this blow up doll that I got back in elementary school. It seemed nice at the time so I kept it as a memory. Now why do I write about this absurd, outdated superhero? Because a part of him represents a part of me. Everyone has their inner child, some deeper than others, yet we have that fun side, that goofy side, that side where we just do stupid things that we regret later. To people who really know me, they will know I say stupid things, that I do stupid stuff, and that's just how I am at times. Why go straight by the book all the time? Doing so puts us at a risk of losing ourselves. Schools are designed to shape students, often out of what they really are.

When I first started school, I was a trouble maker with what they called "anger" issues. This was just my manner of expressing myself. I would get sent to the principal and I even got suspended in second grade for hitting a girl. Stupid actions lead to consequences it seems. As the years have gone by, school just seems to get more boring as teachers expect more from you. The creativity, such as finger painting or even the nap time break, are no longer in use as most classes are "read this book, do those questions, test on Friday". If teachers can not put their best effort forward, then why should I? Now of course not all teachers are like that, but as the years have gone by, I have felt that the teachers care less for the individual and more for the class as a whole. One cannot expect this as a teacher as sometimes hundreds of students, but the lack of that bond can be the difference between enjoying a class and waiting for the bell to ring. Sure there are classes where one can be creative, but now the individual has to go seek them out, instead of it being everyone one looks. Whats this sound like? A person wishing to be hand fed everything? Whether you perceive it that way or not does not change the fact that creativity gets lost as one gets older.

When I go on facebook at times, I see statuses like "hating school atm" or "can't wait for the weekend". Whats this say about the opinion of the students? School should be a place where one wishes to go, a place where one can enjoy themselves. That is what the school system lacks: fun. Most teachers just wish to get through the topics and have the year over with. Some just don't care. I asked a teacher of mine for some help and he said "OK, but not today, I got a hockey game to go watch." What a joke. I ask him a question and he says "I'm not sure, I will get back to you on that". In other words he said, I will google it later and tell you tomorrow. Lack of enjoyment and lack of professional equal 45 minutes of "damn isn't it summer yet".

Now I just got robbed by Jackie Chan right? He just took all my belongings and is sorting out the stuff to see what he got and stumbles upon Captain Underpants. What does he think? "Guy is wack and a child". Something along those lines. What could he think? A figure such as Captain Underpants shows that I am more of a child, I look to goof off just by having it. I possibly like comics as the entire series is a comic. I like to run around in my underwear? Hell yeah that's where its at. Shows I like to have fun and that when things get boring, I put on my lucky cape and fly away to funland.

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