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Sunday, March 28, 2010

52 Card Pick Up

Playing cards serve as one of my key pastimes in study hall. I picked up the habit back in freshmen year and my skills were zero to none. Yet I slowly worked my way up, playing primary the game called "killer" which is a game more of bluff and chance rather than skill. Of course if your playing against idiots, skill helps. Playing cards serve as a way for me to cool down after a long day of endless information being drilled in and allow me to spend time with my peers.

Nearly every game you play with playing cards depends on luck: either you are dealt a good hand or you get a medium to bad hand. This relates to life for me: either I have a good day or a I have a normal day. What classifies a bad day? A bad is just another normal day for me. That sounds kind of negative but then you have to take into account a day consists of going to school and school equals bad in my mathematical equation. Of course school has its ups and downs as a card game would have its good moves and its bad moves. Isn't life just a hand of cards? Don't the cards we play signify the actions we take in life. A bad move equals bad consequences while a good move reaps in rewards. When we run out of cards to play, it is game over. Of course this does not go through the mind of a teenager very often. For a teenager, playing cards just serve as a manner of procrastination from doing productive work.

Through a strict, by the book lens, an assistant principal, such as Mrs. Ballenger, might view cards as a complete waste of time and might view the individual as a rule breaker as cards are generally not permitted in most DHS classrooms. Yet is this a good interpretation of one's character? I think not as cards just show that the student likes to spend his spare time with a fun, interactive game, but offers no insight into a student's academic achievements or other hobbies. Playing cards in general, will not offer much insight, other than possibly being a gambler, yet that would require more evidence, such as wads of bills, but playing cards on their own just show a manner of having a good time with friends.

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