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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Keys in my Pocket

What teenager does not carry keys? You need keys to get into your house, to open your car, to open your secret vault of goodies. Yet what do they tell about the person? If yo find just a lone key, it might say that you only have a house key, that you probably do not have a car, and you do not own a vault of goodies. Yet this blog is about me, so lets get to the point.

On my key chain I hold 3 keys. 1 key to open the outer door to get into my house, the actual key to get into my house, and a broken key which I have been unable to get off. Decorating my key chain is a picture of baby Jesus and the Holy Mary. Now I am not a deeply religious person, I do not often go to church every week, but I do believe that God plays a big way in how life is played out. By keeping these pictures in my pocket with me all the time, I feel as if I have my own guardian angel watching over me, keeping me protected. Whether this may seem foolish to others or not, it is my own little tradition that I have kept since I started going to house. In the near future I plan to add another key, a car key, but of course the near future will take a months to arrive, but that day will be much awaited. Do my keys accurately represent who I am? Not entirely but they offer a small insight into a part of me.

How might others view my keys? An atheist might just view my keys as normal, being just like everyone else since everyone carries keys. They could possibly believe me to be foolish for putting false hopes into religious figures and believe me to be brainwashed by the mass media into believing that external forces guide my life or offer some sort of protection. An artist might view the broken key on my key chain as a symbol for an event in my life, something that was so precious that I could never rid myself of it, yet they do not know that I could not get it off. Oh the fools.

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